Watercolor Poppies

loose florals loose watercolor floral watercolor florals watercolor flowers watercolor poppies Feb 12, 2024

Here's a brief overview of how I combine loose floral watercolor techniques with pops of detail at the end. First I start by painting the overall shapes of the flowers with just clear water. Then I drop in some color and allow it to bleed into the damp area on the paper. (It's a great way to allow watercolor to do it's wonderful magic, while still maintaining a bit of control as to where it flows.) Then I paint whimsical stems and leaves to provide some structure and to fill in the gaps. Once the first layer dries, I add more detail and contrast in the petals and the centers of the flowers. Here are the supplies I used.

  • Arches 140 lb cold press paper
  • Princeton Neptune Brush size 12 and 4 round
  • Maimeri Blu watercolors- Green gold, quin lake, cad yellow, and touches of ultramarine blue.

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